No Win No Fee Solicitors

Personal Injury and Accident Claims. No Win No Fee. Specialists in Cycle Accidents and Motorcycle Accident Claims.

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Welcome To Alyson France & Co. Personal injury and cycle accident solicitors for 20+ years.

99%* success rate (*based on average of all cases handled)

Traditional Personal Service In An Efficient Way.

In dealing with your accident claim, we offer personal service in an efficient way. We have a helpful and dedicated team of staff who are here to help with your claim and to deal with the non-legal queries you may have, in plain English and with no complicated jargon.

We understand people are busy and prefer to have their claims handled mainly by e-mail and telephone, which is no problem.

You might ask “Do I need a solicitor near me ?” We have clients throughout the whole of England & Wales and distance is no object to dealing with your claim.

At Alyson France & Co you will find all of our staff helpful and friendly. We pride ourselves on our reputation and recommendations from clients.  Please see below for some of their comments.

Proud supporters of Rebuilding Shattered Lives Campaign

The Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign aims to ensure that the law which helps victims of negligence is not eroded. Those responsible for causing injuries like Victoria’s must provide the financial support she needs to try to put her life back together, and the law is there to make that happen. But it often comes under attack from those who aren’t willing to pay for their negligence. We must all be vigilant to ensure that the civil justice system is valued and protected and that the injured person is always at its heart.
That’s why Alyson France & Co supports Rebuilding Shattered Lives

Personal Injury & Accident Claims We Cover

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Fill In An Accident Claim Form

Please complete our Accident Form for free initial advice with no obligation.

We pride ourselves on our very high success rate with all claims handled by an experienced solicitor who is a keen cyclist and motorcycle rider.

Personal Injury & Accident Claim Reviews
Alyson France - Personal Injury Accrediation

Member of the Law Society’s Approved Personal Injury Panel

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the an Cycle Accident or Personal Injury claim take?

This depends partly on how co-operative the Defendant’s insurers are and partly on how long you take to recover. It is not in your interests to settle a claim too early if you have not fully recovered as claims are settled on a ‘once and for all’ basis – i.e. you can’t come back for more if you do not recover as quickly as anticipated. However, for our part we do not allow any avoidable delays – for example, if the other side are trying to drag the claim out, we will issue civil court proceedings to put pressure on them. However, a note of caution should be added in respect of ‘pothole’ or road/pavement defect claims, as these invariably take longer.

What do I have to do?

Hopefully very little – that’s what we are here for! All you need to do is attend a medical appointment arranged by us (this will be in your own locality) and let us have any information that we ask for, promptly.

Why do I have to attend another medical - I am already seeing my own doctor or receiving treatment from a hospital.

Your own doctor or the hospital will only be concerned with getting you better. For the purposes of your claim we need a detailed medical report setting out your injuries and giving a prognosis for your recovery, as this is how your compensation is valued. Your own doctor will not usually be considered ‘independent’ for the purposes of a claim.

Do I have to pay you anything for the work you do?

If you win your case, then your opponent’s insurers have to pay a contribution towards your legal costs, and also the fees for medical reports, court fees etc. (called “disbursements”) as well as your compensation. However, we can no longer recover the success fee from your opponent, nor the cost of any “after the event” insurance policy which you may decide to take out. If you lose your claim we are not paid. However, the disbursements still have to be paid. If we have any strong doubts about your case we will be cautious about incurring these expenses unless you already have legal expenses insurance in place to cover you for these.

Does issuing court proceedings mean that I will have to go to court?

Unlikely. Issuing proceedings simply means putting the court process in motion by sending a claim form to the court. There are a number of procedural steps that have to be followed before a hearing and the court sets a timetable which the opponent has to follow. This usually means that we can force them to get on with dealing with your claim. Sometimes a claim will proceed to a final hearing, although this is rare. Your chances of having to actually attend court are low.

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